Connecting to a SAP WebService with Powershell

Now, the title says SAP but this works for any WebService but the datatypes returned will be different. I was surprised how easy and powerful this is I was recently working on a SAP project so I knocked together a quick Powershell POC script to troubleshoot some problems I was having. You could use a script like this in the MIMWAL workflow or in a Powershell Management agent if coding an extensible MA gives you shudders and you need to connect to a SAP system via WebServices.

So you need your WSDL url or file before you begin and an idea of some of the Datatypes and functions/methods sat behind that the below example is using a couple of custom functional BAPI’s created this will be different to your particular environment.

$webSites = get-WebSite
$webSites |  Format-Table -Property @{name="index";expression={$global:index;$global:index+=1}},name
$sitenameindex = read-host -Prompt "Enter Site index"
$sitename = $webSites[$sitenameindex].name

$RuleName = "HTTPS Redirect"
$Rule = @{
 Name = $RuleName
 patternSyntax = 'ECMAScript'
 stopProcessing = 'True'
 match = @{
  url = '(.*)'
  ignoreCase = 'True'
  negate = 'False'
 conditions = @{
  logicalGrouping = 'MatchAll'
  trackAllCaptures = 'True'
 action = @{
  type = 'Redirect'
  url = 'https://{HTTP_HOST}/{R:1}'
  appendQueryString = 'False'
  redirectType = 'Permanent'
Add-WebConfigurationProperty -PSPath "IIS:\Sites\$SiteName" -Filter "/system.webServer/rewrite/rules" -Name "." -Value $Rule 
$match = @{
 input = '{HTTPS}'
 matchType = 'Pattern'
 pattern = 'off'
 ignoreCase = 'True'
 negate = 'False'
Add-WebConfigurationProperty -PSPath "IIS:\Sites\$SiteName" -Filter "/system.webServer/rewrite/rules/rule[@Name='$RuleName']/conditions" -Name "." -Value $match

$RuleName = "Redirect to MIM Site"
$Rule = @{
 Name = $RuleName
 patternSyntax = 'ECMAScript'
 stopProcessing = 'True'
 match = @{
  url = '^$'
  ignoreCase = 'True'
  negate = 'False'
 action = @{
  type = 'Redirect'
  url = '/IdentityManagement/default.aspx'
  appendQueryString = 'False'
  redirectType = 'Permanent'
Add-WebConfigurationProperty -PSPath "IIS:\Sites\$SiteName" -Filter "/system.webServer/rewrite/rules" -Name "." -Value $Rule
Write-Host "There was a problem............." -ForegroundColor Red
write-host $_.Exception.Message -ForegroundColor Red
Write-Host "$sitename has been updated successfully...........Enjoy!" -ForegroundColor Green

This is a very simple example that shows how easy it is with some custom function SAP BAPI’s created, now it would be even easier if there was one function that returned the user details in one go. I would always insist on this if I was doing a project for a customer. However that inevitably requires external resource of a SAP consultant so becomes problematic, the default SAP BAPI’s are horrendously complicated with nested data tables and multiple calls so try and avoid them like the plague.

The Microsoft documentation on this subject is pretty good for a change and can be found here.

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